TACSS Fall Seminar in San Antonio

I spent the day Saturday at the San Antonio Garden Center with other cactus lovers from around the state to attend the Texas Association of Cactus and Succulent Societies’ Fall Seminar and thoroughly enjoyed myself. I may know more about cactus and succulents than the...
The Valentine Rocks

The Valentine Rocks

This past Valentine’s Day my valentine presented me with a rock-gathering trip (“My Valentine’s Day Rocked!” February 21, 2012). Well, I am happy to report those rocks have been rolled around, planted and placed, arranged and rearranged, and are now all settled in...
Let’s Put Some Miles on the Car!

Let’s Put Some Miles on the Car!

We decided to try a lease rather than purchase this time around and signed up for 60,000 miles for the three years of the lease. That comes out to about 20,000 year, right? Well, we came home with the car last July, and nine months later the odometer registers 11, 449...
Cactus Flowers

Cactus Flowers

Other than those I imported from Wyoming, my cold hardy cactus aren’t blooming yet. Making buds, but no blooms. That happens in May. But look at all the color going on inside the greenhouse: I snuck in a shot of Black&White Kitty just to see if you were paying...
It’s a Treasure Hunt

It’s a Treasure Hunt

I went to Wyoming to ride horses and practice writing. So what did I do that first afternoon when I could have been working on my writing skills in the event the next Great American Novel was lurking about in my head? Why, dig cactus and collect rocks, of course. My...