Thelocactus Tulensis v. Longispinus

I have had this cactus a long time, from back when I didn’t keep good records. I know I have had it a long time because of its size. It’s not my prettiest cactus, but it keeps growing and blooming, and it’s one that you don’t always see for...

It Must Be Time for Football-Meet the Mules!

Monday night signaled the beginning of football for the Muleshoe Mules. Meet the Mules was held in the gym this year, what with it being 100 degrees outside and the fact that last year’s Meet the Mules was almost ruined by a thunderstorm. Athletic director and...

The El Dorado Cactus Rescue Project

I toured the El Dorado Cactus Rescue project while in Santa Fe for the Mid States Cactus and Succulent Conference. I found it to be quite a worthwhile and ambitious project, I must say! The rescue project started in 2002 when cactus aficionados John “Obie”...

Echinopsis Hertrichiana, aka Golden Torch

I ordered this Echinopsis hertrichiana from Huntington Gardens in California through the CSSA Cactus journal in 2020. I kept it in a pot so I could bring it in during the winter because it was small, and I wasn’t sure how well it would take our winters. So, for...