by Alice Liles | Oct 27, 2020 | Cactus Are Cool
When agaves bloom, we expect the bloom mast to look pretty much like the one on my Agave harvardiana that bloomed in 2019, like this:Agave utahensis is a smaller agave and its inflorescence looks like this.I’ve had this little agave for maybe fifteen-twenty years, and...
by Alice Liles | Oct 21, 2020 | Bright Lights
Nelda Hunt likes to prowl in alleys. Well, of course she does! That’s where she finds all that sadly discarded stuff and gives it new life. Alleys, dumpsters, flea markets, estate sales, junk stores, thrift shops, friends on a cleaning binge, herself on a...
by Alice Liles | Oct 18, 2020 | Cactus Are Cool
I wrote about this Astrophytum ovatum and some of my other astrophytums back on July 19, 2013, when they were younger. This one has been putting on a show all summer. I suspect this will be the last bloom for this year. There are many varieties of astrophytum; this...
by Alice Liles | Oct 17, 2020 | Cactus Are Cool
I bought a Pleiospilos nelii this year simply because it had a bud ready to open. I thought. Brought it home, repotted it with two others that I bought with it, Pleiospilos nelii royal flush, just because they were a pretty purple color. I waited a couple of days in...
by Alice Liles | Oct 11, 2020 | Bright Lights
Really. What we all probably grew up calling a buzzard is actually a turkey vulture, Cathartes aura. It just so happens a bird found across the ocean, Buteo buteo, is the real buzzard, found in Europe, Asia, eastern Russia, northwestern China, and northwestern...
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