by Alice Liles | Apr 18, 2019 | Cactus Are Cool
I was knocked out by all the pink that greeted me in the greenhouse this week. Pink is not unusual in cactus blooms; my Wyoming pediocactus are an early pink display, the outside cactus garden is splattered with pink in May from the echinocereus reichenbachii blooms,...
by Alice Liles | Feb 18, 2018 | Cactus Are Cool
I was surprised to find this mammillaria in bloom the other day when I went in the greenhouse, the first time for it to bloom. I’m afraid this is one for which I lost the identification tag. Or perhaps it was just ID’ed as mammillaria species, which happens, what with...
by Alice Liles | Dec 29, 2013 | Blooming Now
The dogs and I just walked in 28 degree weather under an overcast dreary sky. Before coming in, I checked the greenhouse. Not dreary in there: Senecio cephalophorus Euphorbia milii in red Thelocactus macdowellii-This one has been trying to open for the...
by Alice Liles | Nov 29, 2012 | Blooming Now
Mammillaria. One of my many unidentified mammillarias. Like most of them, this one is making a halo of blooms.
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