An Uncommon Cactus

I wrote about my Leuchtenbergia principis back in 2014 and 2021.  It had just bloomed. When I researched it, I found that it is the sole species of its genus and there is nothing else quite like it. I have a larger one that bloomed, but I also have this small one...

It’s not an Agave, but sort of looks like one

Leuchtenbergia principis really is a cactus, but looks like an agave, kind of, so its common name is Agave cactus. Confused yet? I wrote about this same plant September 21, 2014- “Leuchtenbergia Principis, aka Agave Cactus,”  but it has grown since then, and if you...

Leuchtenbergia Principis, aka Agave Cactus

 I have been watching and impatiently waiting for this cactus to bloom, and finally it did. I suspect our current overcast skies and lack of sunshine delayed the unveiling, but bloom it did. And it even stayed open for a couple of days, a nice plus....