Three Different Crown of Thorns Plants

My three Euphorbia milii plants, commonly called crown of thorns, have all been blooming lately. I have also heard this plant called the forever flower because it flowers off and on all year, not seasonally. That makes it a nice plant to have since it provides color...

A Few Winter Blooms

Not much going on in the greenhouse right now. Weather hasn’t been conducive to doing anything outside. So about all I have to share with you are a few blooms that managed to make an appearance in the gloom of winter. This is my newest stapeliad, and I haven’t been...

My Crown of Thorns is Blooming Again

Euphorbia milii, which we usually call crown of thorns, is blooming again. Crown of thorns is a euphorbia that is native to Madagascar but can be found just about everywhere now. It comes in various shades of red, pink, yellow, and white. It is one of those rare...

Euphorbia milii; white, red, yellow

Euphorbia milii by its common name is called crown of thorns, or sometimes forever plant, because it will bloom for a while, stop, and then bloom again. So it blooms off and on all year. Mine all happen to be the smaller varieties, and I have the white and red, as...