by Alice Liles | Mar 24, 2020 | Cactus Are Cool
I read in the paper on March 19th or 20th, I forget, that the spring equinox was a day early this year. Don’t remember what the groundhog said about the changing of the seasons, but I am still waiting for the warm weather. Perhaps we will have no late freezes, but I...
by Alice Liles | May 27, 2018 | Cactus Are Cool
Delosperma, commonly called ice plant, is popular for its mass of flowers throughout the warm months. During the winter, however, it leaves something to be desired. The flowers go away, the stems turn woody, and it looks pretty much dead. But wait! Don’t just pull it...
by Alice Liles | Feb 28, 2018 | Cactus Are Cool
The weather is still not cooperating, but I have few specimens that are determined to bloom, nice weather or not. So let me share a few that I am enjoying right now. I can hole up in the greenhouse, listen to wind howling outside, and take my time looking at the...
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