Brown Outside; Colorful Inside

January in Muleshoe doesn’t lend itself to much color other than brown. Brown grass, brown dirt, brown tumbleweeds, leafless trees; if the wind is blowing, which is often, dusty brown air. Winter up here isn’t very colorful anyway, and the drought hasn’t helped. But I...

Albucas and Their Artistic Flowers

I have shared albucas with you before, but you might have missed it. They are blooming now and are just such neat little flowers, I thought they deserved to be in the spotlight again. Albucas are in the Asparagaceae family, which means they are related to an...

Succulent Blooms

The weather is still not cooperating, but I have few specimens that are determined to bloom, nice weather or not. So let me share a few that I am enjoying right now. I can hole up in the greenhouse, listen to wind howling outside, and take my time looking at the...

It is Springtime in the Greenhouse

I am just having more fun walking into the greenhouse every morning to see what is blooming. First it was the blizzarde. Now we are having dustbowl-worthy winds and dirt, sand dunes where there should be lawns, and still no rain in sight, but the greenhouse provides a...