by admin | Nov 21, 2014 | Bright Lights
So. Both eyes are free of cataracts now. What can I say? Well, for one thing, thank you, God, for doctors who figured out the surgery in the first place that allows me to keep my sight. I have always heard that the question is not if you get cataracts, but when you...
by admin | Nov 13, 2014 | Bright Lights
I had three hours to kill one evening on my last trip to the lake last week and decided to take in the newly released movie Interstellar. If you like psychological sci-fi on a grand scale minus any creature costumes, you will probably like this movie. Who am I...
by admin | Oct 31, 2014 | Bright Lights
The turnout was light at the recent Muleshoe Heritage Foundation Annual meeting, which is a shame, because those who bothered to come were treated to a mini-concert by Curtis Shelburne. Refreshments were plentiful and delicious; the music was a pleasure. Curtis shared...
by Alice Liles | Oct 28, 2014 | Blooming Now
The most easily recognized pachypodium is probably pachypodium lamerii or p. geayi the so-called Madagascar palm; this is not that pachypodium! Madagascar palms are from Madagascar; this pachypodium is from South Africa, but has the necessary fat body...
by admin | Oct 24, 2014 | Bright Lights
When Bill received notice that the San Antonio office of the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service was putting on their bee workshop again this year, like the one he attended last year (“The Bee Keeper Moves the Swarm,” July 27, 2014), and asked me if I would like...
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