Succulent Blooms

The weather is still not cooperating, but I have few specimens that are determined to bloom, nice weather or not. So let me share a few that I am enjoying right now. I can hole up in the greenhouse, listen to wind howling outside, and take my time looking at the...

Cold Outside; Cheery Inside

The dogs and I just walked in 28 degree weather under an overcast dreary sky. Before coming in, I checked the greenhouse. Not dreary in there: Senecio cephalophorus  Euphorbia milii in red  Thelocactus macdowellii-This one has been trying to open for the...

Senecio- I Think!

This is one of the succulents I am still working on identifying, and I have decided it must be in the senecio family. If you can help me out with a name, leave me a comment. The flower is interesting, and I like the shape of the plant. This is the first one for me, so...