Kalanchoe Blossfeldiana Does it Again

I know I have shared these colorful plants with you before, but they just outdid themselves this year, so I had no choice-had to sing their praises again. Kalanchoe blossfeldiana is native to Madagascar and is what’s known as a glabrous succulent; that is, it has a...

A Few Winter Blooms

Not much going on in the greenhouse right now. Weather hasn’t been conducive to doing anything outside. So about all I have to share with you are a few blooms that managed to make an appearance in the gloom of winter. This is my newest stapeliad, and I haven’t been...

A Field of Kalanchoe Color

Well, not exactly a field, but a bit of color on a dreary winter day. We are caught in the prolonged series of cold fronts that you may also be experiencing, and I suspect that you, too, are good and ready for Spring to show up. But in the meantime, I can slip into...

Kalanchoe Blossfeldiana, Yellow

I have shared the red kalanchoe with you earlier, and it is blooming even more now- but here is the same plant in yellow. This kalanchoe will bloom off and on all year, so it is a nice additions to your collection. There is also a pink variety, but I don’t have that...

Kalanchoe blossfeldiana

Kalanchoe blossfeldiana is the kalanchoe that you will see in flower shops. The blooms come in a variety of colors and it makes a nice blooming plant for a gift. As the days pass and more of the buds open, this one will make much more of a statement.