Signs of Spring

I read in the paper on March 19th or 20th, I forget, that the spring equinox was a day early this year. Don’t remember what the groundhog said about the changing of the seasons, but I am still waiting for the warm weather. Perhaps we will have no late freezes, but I...

Another Reason I Like Cactus

I walked out to the cactus bed while the sun was shining just right on this echinocereus, a claret cup hedgehog. The sun’s rays gave the blooms a lovely shine and iridescence. It almost looked surreal. I grabbed the camera and tried to capture the glow, but was not as...

It is Springtime in the Greenhouse

I am just having more fun walking into the greenhouse every morning to see what is blooming. First it was the blizzarde. Now we are having dustbowl-worthy winds and dirt, sand dunes where there should be lawns, and still no rain in sight, but the greenhouse provides a...