Three More Examples of Xeriscape

I told you about the xeriscaped yard on Memphis Avenue in Lubbock that I have always admired, “The Xeriscape on Memphis Avenue,” May 19, 2024. I passed that house many times before finally stopping and visiting with Rhea Boepple about how cool her yard is....

The Xeriscape on Memphis Avenue

Every time I have gone down Memphis Avenue in Lubbock I pass a house with a yard I have always admired. So, the other day, I finally stopped and met Rhea Boepple and complimented her on her yard. I also told her I am planning a powerpoint presentation on xeriscape and...

Xeriscape Done Right

For years we have watched the flower bed, and I use that term loosely, lining the front of our house get more and more overgrown with trailing vinca and nutgrass, the evergreen bushes at each end covering more and more area, and the knockout roses getting more and...

Try Silky Thread Grass in Your Xeriscape Garden

You may not have a cactus garden, but you might be wanting to do more xeriscaping in your garden, and if so, you might consider adding some Mexican feather grass, also called silky thread grass. I started out with some of this grass in a bed between the house and the...