A Mini-Movie Marathon

My friend Hellen took a road trip with me a couple of weekends ago. We spent Friday being led astray in San Antonio by a misbehaving GPS program while looking for a Toyota dealership, which the car GPS eventually found for us. So when we made it back to Marble Falls,...

Kingsman; The Secret Service = James Bond on Steroids

I treated myself to a movie the other night and decided on Kingsman; The Secret Service, and I have to admit, was thoroughly entertained despite the f-word being thrown about with wild abandon and stylized brawling and killing the order of the day. But the f-word got...
Hunger Games vs. The Lucky One

Hunger Games vs. The Lucky One

Last Sunday while making the car happy again, 1010 miles this time, and making myself happy viewing and taking yet more wildflower pictures… I had the chance to do something else I like to do but haven’t done much lately-go to the show. As in moving picture show. Or...