
I brought several echinocactus home from the Marfa, Texas, area a few summers ago, thinking they were another form of horse crippler. Turns out they are related, but not considered horse cripplers. Several that I have bloomed early in the Spring, and I enjoyed their big pink blooms then. But lo and behold, I was out two days ago and, much to my surprise and delight, found some blooming now! They were such a bright spot in the cactus bed, naturally I had to take pictures.

First I saw this one. Pay no attention to the bind weed that I haven’t dealt with yet.

Then I turned around to discover this clump in bloom. Below is the same clump from the other side.


And then I discovered this one blooming as well.


What fun! I love the smooth, fleshy body of these cactus and always look forward to their big, showy blooms. They are cold-hardy, as you might have guessed since they are in the ground and not in a pot to be brought in during winter. Consider adding one to your collection. You won’t be sorry.