Cowgirl Things

I can’t remember a time when I wasn’t drawn to horses. I don’t know that I can even explain what the attraction is. That they are beautiful goes without saying. Their strength is obvious. Their intelligence is sometimes overlooked.  Riding, for me, was being one with...

Vee Bar Road Trip Comes to an End

Once again I started my day watching the horses come in, but this time from a different direction. And I didn’t stand in their way! I was the only person who cared to watch them come in this morning, but I visited with Bonnie, a woman who comes in during the fall when...
Welcome to Wyoming

Welcome to Wyoming

Last year I attended the Literature and Landscape of the Horse, a writing and riding retreat led by Page Lambert and Sheri Griffith, held at the Vee Bar Guest Ranch in Wyoming. I had such a good time I went again this year, but this time I took my friend Hellen with...