The Rest of the Mesquite Tree and Wildflower Story

So to continue my story about the wildflowers and railroad track, I was told about a half mile down the track there was an old railroad trestle and yet more bluebonnets that would make for a nice picture. Well, I needed my daily walk anyway, and a half mile isn’t that...
One More Rite of Passage Into Old Age

One More Rite of Passage Into Old Age

So. Both eyes are free of cataracts now. What can I say? Well, for one thing, thank you, God, for doctors who figured out the surgery in the first place that allows me to keep my sight. I have always heard that the question is not if you get cataracts, but when you...
The Circle of Life Moves Right Along

The Circle of Life Moves Right Along

The high school had their awards program back in May, and we attended to watch Colten  be recognized by the Awards of Academic Excellence program, which requires the students to maintain an overall 90 or above average each year in their high school studies. For...